Friday, January 26, 2007

First and Last
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

And one of those 13 has a card at my local library.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lesson in Irony

My job currently requires me to listen to an ABBA greatest hits compilation. Always a fan of multitasking, I decided to do so in the car during an hour-long drive. Here's a record of my reactions during the time elapsed:

0:01 -- Grimace. Shake head in exasperation. Mutter mild epithets under breath.

0:05 -- Laugh hysterically. Shake head in exasperation. Mutter moderate epithets under breath.

0:12 -- Check stereo to be sure tracks have actually advanced and haven't been listening to one remarkably repetitive, continuous song for twelve minutes.

0:27 -- Catch self humming. Very, very quietly. Immediately grimace and resume exasperated head shaking.

0:35 -- Experience mild disappointment when CD skips during 'Fernando.'

0:36 -- Now driving on smoother road, try to replay 'Fernando.' Similar results. Mild disappointment remains.

0:40 -- Catch self humming. Less quietly. Deliberately resume exasperated head-shaking.

0:58 -- Catch self singing along to 'Dancing Queen,' complete with microphone mime and animated gesturing, with no trace of irony whatsoever. Appear to have lost all shame.

1:00 -- Decide to run follow-up experiments in near future to investigate possible personality-altering effects of long-term exposure to ABBA songs. Will consider generalizing experiment to entire disco genre.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Wastes of Time

1. Sadly ridiculous. It's okay to offend scientists?

2. There goes my weekend.

3. So meta.

4. The kid who plays Harry Potter is gonna be in a production of Equus. Perhaps like this?

5. A magazine cover!

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007


My employer recommended this documentary [link dead], and I'm glad she did. If anyone's curious about my job, this is a good introduction.

Edit: The video was 'Autism Is a World' featuring Sue Rubin.

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