Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Like Bats...

Your Score: The Bat

Here's your results! Your spirit animal has a Nobility ranking of 9 out of 18.

Your spirit animal is the bat. They are remakable creatures that guide themselves through the night using sonar. They are a fairly common spirit animal, but are neither exceptional nor despisable in regards to nobility. Being nocturnal, they have not really "seen the light", and there is much they are still unaware of, but they have their own special way of navigating the world, which though unconventional, works just fine.

***Wondering how this animal was chosen for you? These questions were carefully thought out to see how important you hold certain virtues such as: humanism, self-knowledge, rationalism, the love of freedom and other somewhat Hellenic ideals. Some of the questions were very subtle. Your score was then matched with an animal of corresponding nobility. However, you shouldn't think this was a right/wrong sort of test, but more of an idealistic values test. It's ok to not hold these values, you'll just get an animal spirit of lower stature if you do!***

Link: The What is Your Spirit Animal Test written by FindingEros on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bizarre Result

You're Missouri!

An admirer of the works of Mark Twain and the steamboat lifestyle, you
are happiest when floating gently down the river. You have a strong sense of
independence, a reverence for saints, and even look up to discredited explorers. With all
these traditional influences, it's no surprise you're at the center of everyone you know,
and are even considered a gateway to the future. If only you could stop drinking the
world's worst beer, you'd be set.

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Ron kills Hedwig the Owl by clever use of the Golden Snitch
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

I only pray this doesn't involve inserting the Snitch into one of the owl's orifices.

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Hermione is turned into an ice cream cone by Harry in a scene written in the style of Samuel Beckett
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

Sounds bizarre enough for Beckett, I suppose.

My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Hermione gets addicted to crack after converting to Scientology
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom

Photo Update

My parents' newest feline acquisition:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

[And photographic proof of my current Sims addiction.]

Sam's second time ever wearing a bridle and saddle:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sam's first time ever with someone on his back:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And I didn't even end up airborne.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Every time...

...I visit my parents, they acquire another stray cat.

Am I unwittingly emitting feline pheromones?

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