1. Score! Now I just need to find a way to get a photo taken with/near one.
2. This has got to be the most professional journalism I've witnessed in a long time....
3. Horse milk is still drunk in Kazakhstan, usually fermented into an alcoholic drink known as koumiss.
4. So. Much. Processed. Meat.
5. Like their aquatic counterparts, pet chickens don't have very long life expectancies, usually hanging on for just a few days or weeks.
Hmm. I'd imagine a dead baby chicken would be a bit more difficult/complicated/traumatic to dispose of than a goldfish. I don't think it'd flush easily.
2. This has got to be the most professional journalism I've witnessed in a long time....
3. Horse milk is still drunk in Kazakhstan, usually fermented into an alcoholic drink known as koumiss.
4. So. Much. Processed. Meat.
5. Like their aquatic counterparts, pet chickens don't have very long life expectancies, usually hanging on for just a few days or weeks.
Hmm. I'd imagine a dead baby chicken would be a bit more difficult/complicated/traumatic to dispose of than a goldfish. I don't think it'd flush easily.
i read about that horse milk thing recently, here: http://www.chow.com/mongol_rally
sounds siiiiick, but i'd really love to do a trip like this one day (if only i ate meat)
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