Sunday, January 11, 2009

1. It got kinda cold while I was in KC for the holiday.

Now try and complain about the 'cold', Pacific Northwestern-ers. You don't know the meaning of cold.

2. And now a trip down memory lane. Also known as 'Sarah Humiliates Herself for Fun and Profit.' But without the 'profit' part.

I appear to be milking a plane in this one.

And then there's the phase where I decided I really wanted to find out how much sunburn my scalp could tolerate.

Good times.

3. Scary as hell, of course.

Makes me a little more worried about Obama using him as a strategy to appease the fundagelicals. Surely he could've found someone a little less odious?

4. It's time for Fun With Ted Haggard!

Haggard said a co-worker of his father molested him when he was 7, an experience that "started to produce fruit" later. Clarifying that Friday, Haggard said: "I'm certainly not saying that because of that, I did this. I did what I did by my choice, and I'm responsible for it."

Yeah right. You don't mention an experience like that in this context without meaning to imply a causal relationship.

Asked to expand on his attitude toward homosexuality, Haggard said, "I believe all human beings fall short of the standards they believe in."

Oy. Still not good enough, my friend.

Since my experience, I know more about the power of love and forgiveness. I know a lot more about the necessity of people not judging one another.

Yeah. Just like saying that homosexuality = 'falling short of one's standards' is non-judgmental....

I have learned enough to know a lot can happen to anybody. And when Jesus is our Lord, we can't plan our path.

So he's saying that bad shit happens to good people because of Jesus??

[T]he church chose not to forgive me

Well duh. That's what you taught them to do.

Haggard has said his childhood experiences, including same-sex "sex play" with friends when he was in the seventh grade, started to manifest themselves when he turned 50

Yeah right. He didn't 'turn gay' until some repressed memories bubbled up when he was 50? Uh huh.

Don't get me wrong. It looks like the guy's attitude has improved from his previous stance. But he still has a loooong way to go.

5. I really really wanna go here. What a perfect excuse to finally go to San Francisco.

Especially if I could take this. Holy crap that'd be awesome.

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