Monday, March 31, 2008

1. Adventures in Repatriation: Part II. This time, it's International.

Almond says it was decided at a meeting of the main Australian museums that no one would take any of the shows presently touring the world that are spinoffs from the original plasticated body parts shows of the German anatomist, Gunther von Hagens.

"There is a Chinese exhibition which, as far as we could tell, was coming from executed criminals, and also one that showed a whole room of fetuses, mostly female," Almond says. "We will not support this."

Okay, first: it's plastinated, not plasticated, right?

Second, why are they refusing all the exhibits? I'm pretty sure (from the reading I did about a year ago) that there are at least one or two that have good, documented proof that all of their exhibits came from fully consenting participants.

The executed criminals issue is difficult. As are the rumors that unidentified/unclaimed bodies were used. If the criminals didn't give consent before execution, that's not okay. But the unclaimed bodies? There's no way to know if they would've given consent or not. One person's respectful treatment of a dead body is another person's sacrilege. You're pretty much rolling the dice as far as offending the former owner of the remains, no matter what you do with the body. Should you put it to some positive use rather than letting it go to waste? I personally would rather my body be used as a med school cadaver or plastinated for some museum display than have it buried in some religious ceremony I don't ascribe to. But one shouldn't apply one's personal preferences to everybody else in a blanket manner.

And the guy has a problem with displaying plastinated fetuses? I can see having a personal or religion-based distaste for the idea, but that doesn't mean no one else should be allowed to see it. Again, as long as consent was taken into account as much as possible (difficult in the case of an unborn fetus, but that's another topic).

Also, I hadn't made the connection between treatment of archaeological human remains and the plastination exhibits. I suppose the only difference between the two situations is the amount of time passed since death. But I definitely think descendants have more rights to archaeological human remain than scientists. It'd be nice if the two parties could cooperate for the sake of knowledge and preservation, but if a choice has to be made, I gotta side with the descendants.

2. Sad:

Mr. Kilpatrick promotes the linguistic equivalent of a planned economy. Linguistic rules are to be invented by experts like him, on the basis of rational considerations of optimal communication, and imposed on the rest of us. For our own good, of course.

This view of language always reminds me of intelligent design. Not surprising that if someone ascribes to one, they often believe the other.

most academic linguists that I know are political liberals

Huh. Never thought of that, but the same is true in my experience. Though it doesn't help that most of the linguists/linguistics students I know are somehow affiliated with Brown.

3. The squids have something to teach us: how to anchor a knife blade in Jell-O.

Squid beaks are one of the hardest organic materials known.

They really are gonna rule the planet someday.

The findings offer a potential solution for the longtime engineering struggle to attach mechanically mismatched materials.

Good point. Also, awesome.

the beak's tip is stronger and stiffer than any synthetic polymers.

It's remarkable that the squid beak comprises strictly organic materials, Miserez said. In contrast, mammalian teeth contain up to 90 percent minerals.

That's it. We're doomed.

4. Oh dear. This is gonna be a long one.

A sixteen-year-old named Zach, from Bartlett, Tennessee came out to his parents in 2005. His parents reacted by sending him to the Memphis ex-gay ministry Love In Action, which ran a two- to ten-week teen camp called “Refuge.”

Love In Action’s Refuge program was dissolved in June 2007, and was replaced with a four-day program called “Family Freedom Intensive.”


Refuge Program Rules
[Greatest Hits]

2. No sexual/emotional misconduct. Any temptations, fantasies, or dreams are to be presented to one’s staff worker only. Sexual misconduct includes viewing pornography, visiting an adult bookstore, emotional dependency, voyeurism, stalking, masturbation, mutual masturbation, or any form of genital or sexual contact with another person.

Emotional dependency? I agree that can be unhealthy. But I hardly think it leads to or promotes homosexuality.

Women: Women must shave legs and underarms at least twice weekly.

Because female body hair is Evil and will drag you to the Dark Side of Lesbianism!

The clients may not wear Abercrombie and Fitch or Calvin Klein brand clothing, undergarments, or accessories.

Ha. Why this specific targeting of brands?

Women: Bras must be worn at all times, except while sleeping.

Pfft. I'm surprised skirts aren't mandatory.

Monday through Thursday, clients must wear pants, a clean shirt, and shoes or sandals with socks.

Now bare feet are a cause of homosexual tendencies?

Women may wear open-toed shoes or women’s dress sandals without socks.

Ahh. Only male bare feet.

Sports bras may only be worn while working out.

Jesus. Is this an indoctrination center or bra-fitting academy?

7. No continuing education while in the program. Home-school Refuge clients may be allowed to continue their studies during the program, pending approval by LIA staff.


Because public schools are incubators for the gay community and its Agenda.

10. Absolutely no journaling or keeping a diary outside of the MI process unless directed or approved by staff.

That's not suspicious at all.

12. Additional (i.e. beyond one per week) one-on-one counseling sessions will be granted by C.O.C. appointment only.

Because, lord knows, we're not actually here to help you.

any belongings, appearances, clothing, actions, or humor that might connect a client to an inappropriate past are excluded from the program. These hindrances are called False Images (FI’s). FI behavior may include hyper-masculinity, seductive clothing, mannish/boyish attire (on women), excessive jewelry (on men), mascoting, and “campy” or gay/lesbian behavior and talk.

Way to further confuse adolescents about their already tenuous self-image.

3. All photographs will be taken for the purpose of sobering re-evaluation.


2. While on the LIA campus, Refuge clients must be in phaseat all times, whether indoors or out of doors. A client is “in phase” when he or she is with two or more other clients (whether Refuge or residential,) one of whom must have been in the program for at least eight weeks.

Solitary reflection will NOT be tolerated.

Because healthy and appropriate same and opposite-sex relationships are encouraged, dating and exclusive relationships of any kind are prohibited while in the program.

Random hookups are fine, as long as it's non-exclusive.

1. All new Refuge clients will be placed into Safekeeping for the initial two to three days of their program. A client on safekeeping may not communicate verbally, or by using hand gestures or eye contact, with any other clients, staff members, or his/her parents or guardians. In case of a practical need, Safekeeping clients may write down their question or request and show it to another client, staff member, or their parent or guardian. Writing may only be used when absolutely necessary. Parents and guardians must enforce their child’s safekeeping status at home or in their temporary lodging.

No eye contact? Jesus. Does this have any other purpose besides control and intimidation?

5. Safekeeping clients are required to spend a minimum of two hours (in one sitting) a day alone in their room (note: by “alone” it is understood that parents or guardians can be in the room but are not to interact or disrupt the alone time of the safekeeping client).

Ohhhh, so introspection is not only allowed but required if it's bundled together with an overarching punishment scheme.

1. No discussing therapeutic issues at home.

Huh? Again, not suspicious at all....

5. Refuge clients may only read materials approved by staff.

6. No television viewing, going to movies, or reading/watching/listening to secular media of any kind, anywhere within the client’s and the parent’s/guardian’s control. This includes listening to classical or instrumental music that is not expressly Christian (Beethoven, Bach, etc. are not considered Christian).

Especially avoid Tchaikovsky.

12. Refuge clients must be accompanied by a parent during any trip to a public restroom.


18. Refuge clients are allowed a one-time 15-minute maximum closed bathroom door time for shower/grooming purposes. The only other closed-door alone time allowed is for using the restroom.

19. Refuge clients must keep their bedroom doors open at all times, day or night.

20. Proper bedclothes must be worn during nighttime sleeping hours. Appropriate bedclothes include full pajamas (tops and bottoms) or a pair of non-underwear-type shorts and a T-shirt. Nightgowns are not allowed.

What about reinforcing appropriate gender roles? Do real girls sleep in pants?

9. Say “I love you _____” after each person is finished relating.

Heh. Because we're preparing you for healthy and appropriate platonic relationships. Where it's common practice to tell casual acquaintances that you love them.

11. Do not talk at, preach to, or teach one another. Each person should keep the focus on him/herself and how he/she feels.

3. Clients are expected to give back. This includes watching out for one’s brothers and sisters.

So helping each other is frowned upon, but ratting each other out is encouraged!

Places of Honor for Women:

Respect for women may be shown by offering them first priority in a number of ways:

1. Please invite women (not just LIA clients) to be the first in line to eat.

2. Encourage women to accept the more comfortable seats in a room. Men should consider offering a woman their chair when there are none left in the room.

3. Men should think about opening doors for women, both when entering a building and when entering a car. This simply adds a level of respect, consideration, and value.

We encourage antiquat-- er, appropriate gender stereoty-- uh, roles.

Refuge Program — Parental Rules

(Not to be given to client)

Ooh. Secret rules.

3. Respect all Love In Action and Refuge rules. If you do not understand them, support the program in front of client at all times and gain clarification from LIA staff. Do not sabotage or defocus your client.

Mandatory enforcement without comprehension. Interesting.

Consequences for Rule Violation:
3. Program dismissal. This does not need to be addressed with the client (The client may sabotage his/her own program due to purposeful dismissal consequences).

No shit. Who could blame them?

Thankfully, this program no longer exists in this exact form....

5. Yay!

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