Thursday, March 13, 2008

1. Deep sea awesomeness.

2. Tribute via Excel?

3. The poor frog just wanted a hug, people. Get your minds out of the gutter. Sheesh.

(The duck does look thoroughly scandalized, I admit.)

4. The bulk of these are pretty fucking disgusting. However, I confess that I enjoy the Bruce Willis a la Van Gogh and the Elvis.

5. Oh Ben Stein. Ben Stein, Ben Stein, Ben Stein.... I used to like you. I watched your show.

[N]ew science standards...for the first time use the term "evolution" instead of such terms "as changes over time" for the scientific theory. They also require teaching evolution in more detail.

Scientists and teachers say the new standards will help students improve their education and better prepare for high-tech jobs.

Isn't this the argument I made yesterday? Sell it as a necessary evil if you must. Social currency.

The bill would allow public school teachers to present views that are contradictory to the theory of evolution.

The bill's language does not require teachers to present alternate views[.]

Oh good. So it's just luck of the draw whether you get the Jesus freak bio teacher who spends time teaching Intelligent Design instead of preparing you for college and adult life.

As a compromise, the Board last month approved compromise language calls for teaching the "scientific theory of evolution."

How many times do we have to go over this?

Gravity is, after all, just a theory.

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