Thursday, January 03, 2008

1. THE Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the US.

I'm not sure what to think of this. I mean, good for them. But I think the chances of this succeeding are slim to none.

2. Apparently Cahokia wasn't the only ancient site to have built a Woodhenge.

Also, I guess the aliens-built-Stonehenge theory is now moot. Who knew. Actual humans were responsible for it the whole time.

3. Most Sexually Healthy City: Tacoma, Washington

Weird. What precisely were their criteria, I wonder?

4. An entire Japanese island that's been abandoned and left to disintegrate. What makes ruins so compelling to me? (There's also some hardcore long-exposure night-time photography going on there that's pretty awesome.)

5. I've linked to this before, but it's so good I have to plug it again. Warnings include some NSFW language and (*gasp*) humorous criticism of the war in Iraq.

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