Monday, December 10, 2007

1. Haven't gotten your daily overdose of cute yet? Look no further.

I mean, come on:

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2. It's a good idea, I guess, but how exactly is this sending a positive message? I mean, it's not sending a negative one, either. It's sending whatever message the reader wants to read into it. Which probably isn't gonna help things.

3. This is what I choose to do with my leisure time as an adult. Who'da guessed.

4. Yet another reason to move to Iceland.

5. Scientologists can't really be serious about this. I mean, come on. Like the link says, it looks like the television set for the latest primetime sci-fi drama. With a portrait of Hubbard in a captain's hat on the conference room wall. Which of course reminded me of George Sr.'s frozen banana portrait.

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