Thursday, November 01, 2007

1. Oh man. Washoe died before I made it out to Ellensburg for a visit.

2. By now everybody and their brother has heard about the Phelps case. But I enjoy this little detail:

Fred Phelps took the stand after Snyder, testifying that he had not considered whether children would see a sign carried by protesters with the words "Semper Fi Fags" and two stick figures that appeared to be engaged in sodomy, according to the Associated Press.

Now, I'm not sure what they mean by "had not considered whether," but it sounds to me like he was lying. He knows for a fact that children will see his signs -- they're usually the ones carrying them!

How this was relevant to the case at hand, though, I have no idea.

3. It's always nice to see a religious institution acting somewhat sanely and intelligently for a change.

4. If only this had been the case in the David Bowie version.

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