Friday, January 23, 2009

1. I always knew I was on the right track.

2. This is awesome, but I can't help but think Obama's PR machine might resent it....

3. Not much of a reason to include this link other than the fact that I want the t-shirt mentioned.

4. So someone else is complaining about the British atheist bus ad (The one that says "There’s Probably No God. Now Stop Worrying and Enjoy Your Life":

the rationale behind it is that people can be less careful about their lifestyle choices and general approach to life’s consequences by discounting the likelihood of a Creator and an afterlife

Isn't this what I tried to warn people about in the beginning? I hate to say I told you so....

this causes concern to Christian and Muslim people, many of whom feel embarrassed and uncomfortable travelling on public transport displaying such advertisements and would not wish to endorse the advertisements by using that public transport

Yeah. And those atheists who might be embarrassed or uncomfortable when confronted by religious messages plastered throughout the world? Fuck 'em.

5. A hedgehog even white supremacists would approve of.

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