Thursday, November 06, 2008

1. Michael Crichton died. He was responsible for most of the books I read as an 11-year-old. 'Congo' is still one of my favorite brainless reads (and one of my favorite terrible movies). Maybe now I'll get around to reading 'Next'....

2. Anyone wanna buy me a house? It's for a good cause....

3. Yay.

Even better:

Barack Obama and Joe Biden will also work to change IDEA’s definition of “autism” to Autism Spectrum Disorders to ensure that all children diagnosed with ASD disorders receive the support they need.

Hopefully he continues to tap whatever knowledgeable resources he used to come up with that policy.

4. I need to actually read through all of this at some point. Lord knows I need to assign myself some more homework.

5. Wtf, Missouri?! When will you make up your mind?

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