Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Academic content only?

Let me introduce you to the Gablers. They founded and head "a conservative Christian organization that reviews public school textbooks submitted for adoption in Texas." In their own words:

[W]e review textbooks for academic content only.

Let's see about that....

Review Criteria for elementary reading programs:

Story content should present:

Sensitive treatment of benefits to children of strong, stable, two-parent families

Equal stress on Europe's literary, religious, and cultural heritage compared to other regions [Because Europe is so underrepresented and maligned in the canon of Western literature.]

Review Criteria for high school world history texts:

Prevent stereotypes of whites-as-oppressors and people-of-color-as-victims from slanting discussions of Western imperialism

Review Criteria for high school American Literature texts:

Story content should present:

A universe that rewards virtue and punishes vice, where good and evil are not moral equivalents, and where problems have solutions [Oh yeah. Let's teach the kids that if their problem doesn't have a solution, it's their fault.]

No sensational violence, offensive language or illustrations, occultism, or deviant lifestyles (e.g., homosexuality)

Anthologize substantive selections from...pre-Civil War figures/sources, so that the mid-point of the course is no later than 1865 [Is this a literature course or a history course??]

And here's where we get to the good stuff.

Review Criteria for health texts:

Avoid asexual stealth phrases and definitions that covertly legitimize homosexuality.

"Gender identity" should not mean "sexual orientation," implying that homosexuality is innate, not learned.

"Parenting" should not include homosexual "adoptions." [So now the word 'adoption' only pertains to heterosexual couples?]

Discuss emotional/ethical harm of sexual activity outside marriage.

Reject idle self-contemplation, underachievement, and non-competitiveness. [Because non-competitiveness is such a dangerous and degenerate personality trait.]

Note benefits of population growth, such as better transportation to larger markets and more creativity. [And more people to evangelize!]

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