Wednesday, October 05, 2005


1. Saw a giant spotted slug on my way to the drugstore today. It was at least 5 inches long, brownish tan, with black spots. And two (that I could see) eye-stalks/antennae/antlers/whatevers on its head. It was cruising along at a pretty good speed, for a slug, apparently heading across the paved patio outside my apartment building. Twenty minutes later, on my way back home, it was still on the patio but had progressed about 8 feet.

I'm guessing it's one of these guys. If so, they're pretty fast for slugs due to the fact that they have to overtake and kill other slugs for the bulk of their diet. Eight feet in 20 minutes? I guess that's fast if your primary method of locomotion is flexing an oversized boneless foot covered in viscous mucous.

Anyway, they don't grow slugs like that back in Missoura. I was quite impressed. And a tad creeped out by all the slug-photos I had to look at on my quest to identify the species.

2. Interesting names. Don't miss Mrs. Priscilla Skin-Bone.

3. I pass a sign reading "Apple Maggot Quarantine Area" every morning on my commute. I'd rather contend with the spotted leopard slug, personally.

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