Saturday, May 28, 2005


1. Being sick for Campus Dance sucks. That is all.

2. More Wonder Boys:

It seemed to me that Q. was talking about the nature of the midnight disease, which started as a simple feeling of disconnection from other people, an inability to "fit in" by no means unique to writers, a sense of envy and unbridgeable distance like that felt by someone tossing on a restless pillow in a world full of sleepers. Very quickly, though, what happened with the midnight disease was that you began actually to crave this feeling of apartness, to cultivate and even flourish within it. You pushed yourself farther and farther and farther apart until one black day you woke to discover that you yourself had become the chief object of your own hostile gaze.

3. Last day at Greenlock was yesterday. Goodbye, Blue (a.k.a. "Jaws").

4. I hate iPods. And iTunes. With a vengeance. I will prevail.

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